Brrism is sold out? Really? Really!
I suppose that's both good news and bad news. Good news that Brrism is so well supported. Bad news in that some people will have to be turned away.
If you haven't been able to sign up I'm really, really sorry. The problem is that the venue, the Pervasive Media Studio, struggles to hold more than 30. We are working to find a bigger venue for the second event (scheduled for September 16th) but obviously that doesn't help you right now. If you'd really like to come to the launch event then please email me and we'll see what we can do.
If you are lucky enough to have signed up on EventBrite or Twtvite or Facebook then please bear in mind that since the event seems to be oversubscribed then it wouldn't be good if you've "booked a seat" and on the night you're a "no show". We all have to stay in an wash our hair sometimes but, if you have signed up but now know you can't come then please email me.
Of course, the above doesn't apply to Pervasive Media Studio residents because we can't exactly turn you away from your own studio can we? But if you plan on coming and haven't signed up, please could you drop me an email just so I can anticipate numbers.
Venue Owners: if you own (or are responsible for) a suitable venue and you'd like a way of attracting a sizeable number of Brrismers to your venue then please drop me a line. You must have space for about 50 people, wi-fi and, preferably, PC projection facilities.